Evidence Network

It’s time to think even bigger about national pharmacare

It’s time to think even bigger about national pharmacare

Recently federal and provincial health ministers agreed to create a working group to explore how to improve Canadians’ access to pharmaceutical drugs. In the wake of this, there is new optimism that pharmacare, publicly funded and universally available to Canadians, might one day come to pass.

These ten medical expenses could give you a tax break

These ten medical expenses could give you a tax break

As Canadians we like to take pride in our publicly funded healthcare system, but the truth is many of us — especially those with or caring for someone with disabilities or chronic conditions — pay out of pocket for a wide range of essential health services.

De l’importance d’une conversation sur les soins de fin de vie avec nos proches

De l’importance d’une conversation sur les soins de fin de vie avec nos proches

Durant la période des vacances, beaucoup de gens ont probablement eu avec leurs proches des conversations sur des sujets importants. Il serait étonnant toutefois qu’ils aient discuté des dispositions à prendre si jamais ils ne pouvaient plus un jour s’exprimer ou prendre de décisions.

Ending homelessness through housing first initiatives

Ending homelessness through housing first initiatives

Up to 15 percent of the homeless population in Canada is struggling with mental illness. Could giving them a permanent home be a way off the streets and into a healthier life? Dr. Jino Distasio, Director of the Institute of Urban Studies at the University of Winnipeg and Vicky Stergiopoulos, Psychiatrist-in-chief at St. Michael’s Hospital […]

Free RESEARCH WEBINAR – ASILA case-simulation prototype on cognitive and physical outcomes of frail seniors in nursing homes (Results of CFN-funded Catalyst Grant)

Free RESEARCH WEBINAR – ASILA case-simulation prototype on cognitive and physical outcomes of frail seniors in nursing homes (Results of CFN-funded Catalyst Grant)

ASILA case-simulation prototype on cognitive and physical outcomes of frail seniors in nursing homes (Results of CFN-funded Catalyst Grant)

Les investissements de santé publique en médecine personnalisée destinée aux enfants ne sont que de la poudre aux yeux

Les investissements de santé publique en médecine personnalisée destinée aux enfants ne sont que de la poudre aux yeux

La génomique va sauver le monde : voilà le message dont à peu près tous les médias se font l’écho et parfois même la littérature scientifique.

Advanced directives for assisted-dying a dangerous step

Advanced directives for assisted-dying a dangerous step

The moment we are born, our lives take flight; and the longer we are airborne, the greater the chance of encountering turbulence along the way. While every flight is destined to land, some landings are harder to contemplate than others.