Evidence Network

Roulons plus doucement et arrêtons le massacre

Roulons plus doucement et arrêtons le massacre

Des Canadiens s’entretuent sur nos routes, en plein jour. Les meurtriers sont en général identifiés, mais rarement poursuivis. En outre, ces morts pourraient être facilement évitées.

Pourquoi la fragilisation est un enjeu important

Pourquoi la fragilisation est un enjeu important

Re-thinking care for Canada’s aging population

Re-thinking care for Canada’s aging population

As the population ages, there is a growing belief that a tsunami of elderly patients will bankrupt the healthcare system, but evidence shows that this is a misconception.

Des interventions précoces nécessitent un nouveau type d’investissement social

Des interventions précoces nécessitent un nouveau type d’investissement social

L’investissement dans les programmes sociaux améliore les conditions sociales et, par conséquent, améliore la vie de la population.

Why More Academics Should Engage with the Media, with Dr. Noralou Roos

Why More Academics Should Engage with the Media, with Dr. Noralou Roos

Why more academics should engage with the media, a Policy Options Podcast. Imagine putting months of work into an article to have it read by only 10 people. This is the situation in much of academia right now, where the influx of new material is making it increasingly difficult for academics to get their research out to the public and to policy-makers.

Les médecins canadiens examinent le lien qui existe entre les changements climatiques, la chaleur extrême et la santé des patients

Les médecins canadiens examinent le lien qui existe entre les changements climatiques, la chaleur extrême et la santé des patients

En juin dernier, les médecins canadiens se sont réunis pour prendre part à l’assemblée annuelle de l’Association médicale canadienne (AMC), souvent qualifiée de « parlement de la médecine » du Canada. L’une des séances stratégiques portait sur les conséquences des changements climatiques sur la santé.

A Sugar Tax is Not the Answer

A Sugar Tax is Not the Answer

As high obesity rates continue to be a health concern for Canadians, there is growing interest in introducing a sugar sweetened beverage tax.

How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging population?

How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging population?

As the population ages, experts say that the current institutional model of care needs to change to better support aging patients.

Does Canada need to worry about the same festering malaise that has disrupted the United States?

Does Canada need to worry about the same festering malaise that has disrupted the United States?

For many Canadians, the outcome of the United States election has been a shock. Trump’s campaign, as inarticulate and venal as it was, tapped into important and deeply rooted realities, realities that may contain lessons for Canada too.

Celebrating EvidenceNetwork.ca’s 5th Anniversary!

Celebrating EvidenceNetwork.ca’s 5th Anniversary!

EvidenceNetwork.ca is celebrating its 5th year anniversary and we decided to celebrate — with a social media poster campaign featuring quotes from EvidenceNetwork.ca experts, advisors, contributors, supporters and colleagues answering the question: ‘Why EvidenceNetwork.ca?’ Click here to view or download our 5th year anniversary posters. Background: EvidenceNetwork.ca was created under the direction of Dr. Noralou Roos, […]

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