After many years of success, is no longer in operation. We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the organization over the past decade including our dedicated researchers, newspaper editors, readers and funders. However, now it is time to move onto new ways of looking at knowledge mobilization and policy. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Shannon Sampert at [email protected].
Evidence Network

Teenagers at risk from junk food advertisements

Proposed restrictions on food and beverage advertising to kids should include youth up to age 16 A version of this commentary appeared in the Globe & Mail, the Winnipeg Free Press and the Huffington Post We shield our children and young teenagers (16 and under) from many things: overt portrayals of sex and violence on […]

Trans rights are women’s rights

Transgender women face high rates of physical, sexual and fatal violence A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, the Huffington Post and Our Windsor Earlier this month, Sophie Labelle, a Montreal-based, internationally renowned transgender author and activist was subject to a violent cyber-attack, including death threats and hate speech.  Most chillingly, the attackers […]

It’s time to talk about a “BIG” idea

How a basic income guarantee could improve health A version of this commentary appeared in the Hill Times, Ottawa Life and Huffington Post Across Canada, and around the world, people from all sides of the political spectrum are starting to talk about the BIG idea of a basic income guarantee (BIG), also known as a […]

Laws can reduce bullying

Transgender youth experience bullying at much higher rates than their peers A version of this commentary appeared in the Montreal Gazette and the Huffington Post and the Vancouver Province Last week during discussion in the Senate about Bill C-16, a Bill designed to protect gender identity and gender expression in the Human Rights Code and […]

We are neglecting our responsibility to kids in care

Supporting youth to 25 years of age an essential first step A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Ottawa Life and the Huffington Post Growing up in government care in Manitoba was difficult. The deep politicization of child welfare didn’t help matters.  Polarized public opinion and a controversy-avoidant government shaped the legislation and policies that […]

Epilepsy shouldn’t be a death sentence

On May 1, 2016, Errol Greene died while in the Winnipeg Remand Centre following two epileptic seizures. According to reports, after the 26-year-old man suffered the seizures, he was rushed to the Health Sciences Centre, but he did not survive. His family is now suing the province, and a provincial inquest into his death has […]

Les Hommes en action, pour une vie plus longue et plus heureuse

Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans La Presse Les femmes sont plus malades, mais les hommes meurent plus jeunes. Et personne ne semble remettre ce lieu commun en question. Qu’il y ait un écart entre les sexes dans l’espérance de vie semble être accepté sans même qu’on se questionne à ce sujet. Selon les […]

Free medicines for rich kids is actually a fair and efficient policy

A version of this commentary appeared in the Ottawa Citizen, Windsor Star and the Huffington Post Ontario has been the site of dueling pharmacare proposals and Canadians are the victors.  At the end of April, the opposition NDP promised universal drug coverage for a list of essential medicines.  Not to be outdone, the ruling Liberal party […]

Notre système de santé néglige la santé buccodentaire des adultes dépendants et les conséquences sont tragiques

Il faut améliorer la prestation des soins d’hygiène dentaire dans les hôpitaux, le secteur des soins à domicile et les services de longue durée Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans Huffington Post Quebec Il y a quelques années, un professeur d’université à la retraite s’est présenté dans mon cabinet. Il était en bonne santé […]

What Canada can learn from Australia on health care

A version of this commentary appeared in the Globe & Mail, the Huffington Post and the Victoria Times Colonist. Australia and Canada share many characteristics, but Canadians may not know one of them is that Australia’s universal health insurance scheme, Medicare, was modelled on Canada’s — albeit adapted to account for constitutional differences between the two countries. […]

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