By Gina Wong and Nicole Letourneau babies, Canadian healthcare, healthcare, Mental health, new mothers, newborn, obsessive compulsive disorder, OCD, postpartum depression, postpartum obsessive compulsive disorder, postpartum OCD, Postpartum support
Postpartum OCD is frequently misdiagnosed and misunderstood – but it is treatable In January, a new mother in California became part of a viral Facebook post that described her baby’s four-month postpartum checkup. As a result of the thoughts she shared with her health care providers, the police were called and she was escorted […]
By Vinusha Gunaseelan basic income, basic income guarantee, basic income pilot project, Guaranteed Annual Income, income inequality, insecure employment, low-income measure, Mincome, poverty, quality of life, unemployment
A basic income guarantee has been back in the news a lot lately, thanks to Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson, Elon Musk and other tech giants who have been publicly endorsing the concept. But it’s not just talk in Canada. Ontario is piloting a basic income across three cities, Quebec has brought in a basic income […]
Par Wendy Levinson et Laurent Marcoux médicaments, opioïde, patients, prescrire un opioïde
En tant que cliniciens professionnels et éthiquement responsables, nous nous devons de ne causer aucun tort et à faire tout ce que nous pouvons pour traiter la douleur ressentie par nos patients. Lors de leur arrivée sur le marché il y a quelques décennies, les opioïdes analgésiques semblaient répondre à ces deux impératifs. Nous savons […]
Par Gina Wong et Nicole Letourneau dépression postpartum, Nouvelles mères, OCD, post-partum, post-partum OCD, santé mentale, soins de santé, Soins de santé canadiens, soutien, soutien post-partum, trouble obsessionnel compulsif post-partum
Le trouble obsessionnel compulsif post-partum est souvent mal diagnostiqué et mal compris, mais il est traitable En janvier, une nouvelle mère en Californie était au cœur d’un message viral dans Facebook qui décrivait le bilan de santé post-partum de son bébé de quatre mois. Après qu’elle eut partagé ses réflexions avec ses prestataires de […]
By Dylan MacKay Atkins, Canada food industry, DASH, diabetes, dieting, diets, food, food industry, Gary Taubes, heart disease, human nutritional sciences, Keto, Mediterranean diet, Nina Teicholz, nutrition, nutritional science, Obesity, Paleo, South Beach, type 2 diabetes
We need real solutions to obesity and Type 2 diabetes Two of the most well-known American food journalists have been telling readers lately that the DASH and Mediterranean diets are not tops for our health. But hang on – the evidence tells a different story. The journalists are Gary Taubes, the author of The […]
By John Conly and John Prescott antibiotic resistance, antibiotics, health, Health Canada, livestock, medicine, overuse of antibiotics, resistant bacteria, super bugs, Veterinary medicine, WHO, World Health Organization
At the beginning of the last century, illnesses due to bacterial infections ranked as the most common cause of death in Canada. By the latter third of the century, the diagnosis, prevention and management of infectious diseases had advanced dramatically, raising hopes that many of these infections would be consigned to history. The dramatic improvements […]
By Erin Schryer and Nicole Letourneau Canadian education system, Canadian kids, Canadian parents, Canadian schools, Child health, children, children's literacy education, education, family literacy, family-centred, family-centred care, literacy, low literacy, reading
Almost nine million Canadians can’t read well enough to perform everyday tasks In Canada, two out of five adults – that’s nearly nine million people – cannot read well enough to perform everyday tasks. Reading difficulties start early. It is very well established that children who are not reading well by the end of […]
Par Dylan MacKay aliments, DASH, diabète, diabète de type 2, L'industrie alimentaire au Canada, obesité, régimes, science nutritionnelle, science nutritionnelle humaine
Il nous faut de vraies solutions pour contrer l’obésité et le diabète de type 2 Deux des journalistes américains parmi les plus réputés sur les questions de l’alimentation ont récemment prétendu que les régimes DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension ou méthode alimentaire pour freiner l’hypertension) et méditerranéen n’étaient pas les meilleurs pour notre […]