By John Hirdes and Sandy van Solm aging, aging at home, aging population, Canadians with frailty, consequences for seniors, natural disasters, nursing homes, Vulnerable Persons at Risk
Majority of deaths and injuries resulting from natural disasters involve seniors The combination of an aging population with increases in natural disasters has had deadly consequences for seniors. Quebec health authorities estimate that as many 70 people died as a result of the recent heat wave with a humidex of over 40 degrees. Most […]
Nous sommes tous des patients en devenir, mais sommes-nous en sécurité?
Par Fiona MacDonald et Karine Levasseur erreurs de santé, erreurs médicales, foyers de soins de longue durée, les patients, soins de santé, Soins de santé canadiens, système médical, Système médical canadien
Les erreurs médicales sont chose courante dans les systèmes médicaux canadiens Nous avons tous vécu cette expérience : au beau milieu de la nuit, votre partenaire, votre enfant, votre frère, votre sœur ou un parent tombe subitement malade et a besoin de soins médicaux. Seront-ils soignés en toute sécurité? L’Enquête publique sur la sécurité des […]
Postes Canada en quête d’un nouveau PDG, une fonction qui comporte son lot de défis
Par Malcolm G. Bird deficit, économie, Économie canadienne, Finances Canada, Les sociétés d'État, Ministère des Transports, revenu, subventionné
Vous cherchez un nouvel emploi? La Société canadienne des postes recherche un nouveau président-directeur général. Avant de poser votre candidature, toutefois, réfléchissez longuement. La nouvelle recrue aura à relever le formidable défi de la gestion, en cette ère numérique, des handicaps de Postes Canada sur le plan de l’exploitation, du financement et de la gouvernance, […]
By Arjumand Siddiqi and Odmaa Sod-Erdene health concerns, health issues, higher minimum wage, income support, inflation, low income, policy measures, poverty, precarious job conditions, social assistance
Poverty is linked to poor health outcomes Public health researchers have long known that poverty and poor health are linked, but new evidence suggests that social assistance — the government system designed to provide those in poverty with income support — is not succeeding at protecting health. Using data from national government surveys, we studied […]
By Jennifer Garrison academics, females, feminist, genius, jordan peterson, males, men, neo-marxism, trans rights, universities
Like it or not, University of Toronto professor Jordan Peterson is a cultural sensation. Over the past year and a half, Peterson has gained notoriety through his open hostility toward trans rights and feminism as well as his characterization of universities as tools for indoctrinating students into what he terms “neo-Marxism.” He has throngs of […]
By David Wiercigroch and Caberry Weiyang Yu aging, ALC, alternate level care, Canadian healthcare system, Elderly, elderly support, healthcare system, hospital beds, hospital wait times, long-term care, wait times
Solving long hospital wait times requires a fundamental shift in the way we care for the elderly Hospital overcrowding is not a new issue. Limited bed spaces have plagued Ontario hospitals for years and are increasingly straining our system. Not only are long wait times become a shameful expectation when patients arrive in the emergency […]
By Al Etmanski Accessibility Act, Accessible Canada Act, disability community, disability tax credit, inclusion, Minister of Sports and Persons with Disabilities, persons with disabilties
The recently proposed Accessible Canada Act and the just released Senate report on essential fixes for Revenue Canada concerning the disability tax credit, Breaking Down Barriers are stellar achievements for advocates with disabilities and the receptive politicians and public servants who listened. If both are implemented, they will remove the physical, social and financial barriers […]
By Malcolm Bird Canadian economy, Crown Corporations, deficit, economics, Finance Canada, Ministry of Transport, revenue, subsidized
Looking for a new job? Canada Post is looking for a President and Chief Executive Officer. But it’s not a position anyone should consider lightly. The new CEO will face daunting challenges managing Canada Post’s operational, financial and governance deficiencies in this digital age, and will have to do so under close public scrutiny and […]
Elles les enfantent, on leur enlève
Par Elizabeth Wall-Wieler défenseurs des enfants, enfants, Enfants canadiens, enfants indigènes, famille d'accueil, mères adolescentes, nourrissons, programme de réhabilitation, séparé des mères
La réalité des mères qui accouchent pendant leur prise en charge Il existe un lien bien établi entre la grossesse chez les adolescentes et les services de protection de l’enfance. Les filles qui passent du temps dans les services de protection de l’enfance ont des taux plus élevés de grossesse à l’adolescence, et ces mères […]
By Corey Shefman bail, first nations, incarcerated, Indigenous people, jail population, not proven guilty, residential schools, Sixties Scoop
Not long ago, First Nations people “caught” leaving their reserve would be arrested and thrown in jail. Even more recently, Indigenous children were stolen from their parents by the Canadian government, to attend Residential Schools, in what has been described as cultural genocide. A justice system which targets Indigenous peoples with impunity is nothing new […]