Evidence Network

Look up — way up

What astronauts and seniors with frailty have in common For decades, researchers have been studying the effects of reduced physical activity on astronauts during prolonged journeys to space. But what is surprising is one of the uses of that research. Turns out understanding the effects of space travel on the body may be important to […]

Time to end mandatory minimum-sentences for murder

Indigenous women vastly overrepresented among those sentenced to life   What’s wrong with mandatory minimum sentences?  Plenty. Especially when it comes to murder. High profile serial murderers come to mind when Canadians think of murder convictions: Bernardo, Olson, Pickton. Few turn their minds to the 18-year-old Indigenous teen who kills her abusive drug dealer. Such a […]

Big change takes big courage

New way to pay hospitals offers lessons on change management   If there’s one thing provincial governments across Canada can agree on, it’s that the status quo in health care is no longer good enough to deliver equitable access to high quality care in a cost-efficient manner.  Ontario’s Ministry of Health under the previous government […]

Quand les catastrophes frappent, nos aînés requièrent une attention prioritaire

La majorité des décès et des blessures résultant de catastrophes naturelles touchent des personnes âgées   Une population vieillissante combinée à une augmentation des catastrophes naturelles a des conséquences mortelles pour les aînés. Les autorités sanitaires du Québec estiment que 70 personnes sont décédées à la suite de la récente canicule, avec un humidex de plus […]

Lettre ouverte au premier ministre Ford et à la ministre MacLeod sur le revenu de base

Ensemble, nous représentons les principaux chercheurs, les équipes de recherche et les groupes de parties prenantes à l’origine de plusieurs expériences sur le revenu de base menées actuellement en Finlande, en Écosse, aux Pays-Bas, aux États-Unis, en Espagne, au Kenya et en Inde. Nous accueillons avec un profond regret votre décision d’annuler prématurément l’expérience que […]

Students with developmental disabilities need sex-ed too

There has been a lot of discussion recently in Ontario and elsewhere about sex education. We have heard from diverse groups about what is taught and what is not taught in our schools. But there is one group whose voice has been missed. Our students with developmental disabilities need sex education too.  And no one’s […]

International researchers shocked at cancelation of Basic Income pilot

Two weeks ago, I participated in a panel in Finland with representatives of Basic Income Experiments from Finland, the Netherlands, India and Scotland. My report on the cancellation of Ontario’s Basic Income pilot project was received with stunned disbelief: on July 31, three months after enrollment was complete and before the first annual follow-up survey […]

Ontario emergency room visits remain high

Canadians have the highest rates of emergency room visits among high income countries   You’re getting home after a long day at work and the cough that has been bugging you just doesn’t seem to be letting up. Your muscles ache, you’ve got chills and you hear a slight wheeze when you breathe out. What […]

Accounting for pain beyond opioids

It’s time to change what we measure when funding healthcare   The prestigious Canadian Academy of Health Sciences annual meeting last week in Vancouver focused on chronic pain, and of course, the current catastrophe of opioid deaths was discussed.  But most of the discussion was broader: What are the biological mechanisms underlying chronic pain? What […]

Les programmes d’aide sociale au Canada prennent du retard

La pauvreté et une mauvaise santé – un lien indéniable   Les chercheurs en santé publique savent depuis longtemps que pauvreté et mauvaise santé vont de pair, mais de nouvelles preuves démontrent que l’aide sociale, ce système gouvernemental conçu pour fournir un soutien financier aux personnes pauvres, ne parvient pas à aider les gens à […]