Who’s afraid of universal pharmacare?

Canada needs universal pharmacare


“When it comes to prescription drugs, Canada’s current system is plagued by massive waste, massive costs and too many people unable to afford their medicine.”

Marc-André Gagnon, Carleton University

Read the commentary: Who’s afraid of universal pharmacare?



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Posters Designed by Eileen Affeck/Folio Design



“Lorsqu’on en vient aux médicaments d’ordonnance, le système Canadien se caractérise par son immense gaspillage, ses coûts excessifs, et trop de gens incapables d’accéder aux médicaments dont ils ont besoin.”

Marc-André Gagnon, Carleton University

Lisez le commentaire (en anglais): Who’s afraid of universal pharmacare?


Download the hi-res poster

Posters Designed by Eileen Affeck/Folio Design

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