Health More than Healthcare Posts
National Child Day has been celebrated across Canada every November 20th since 1993 to commemorate the United Nations’ adoption of two documents describing children’s rights: The 1959 United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the 1989 United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Canadian Indigenous people have been described as “ghosts of history,” spectres lingering in the background, haunting our legacy. This refers to the fact that Indigenous people have been ignored to a great extent in Canadian history
Wab Kinew has been telling scientists and health care professionals for years that culture is medicine.
Lorsqu’on ne se sent pas bien, que ce soit à cause d’un rhume mineur ou d’une maladie fatale, le désir de rester chez soi, dans un cadre sûr et confortable où l’on peut prendre du repos et récupérer, est un sentiment universel. Mais si ce lieu est lui-même une cause de stress et de maladie, que faire?
When you’re feeling unwell, whether from a minor cold or a devastating terminal illness, the feeling of home, the desire for a safe and comfortable place to rest and recuperate, is a universal one. But what if your home itself is a source of stress and illness?
Moving Manitoba’s Indigenous peoples from the liability to asset column was a topic that consumed some of Manitoba’s most innovative First Nations and mainstream business minds during a two-day ‘design-thinking boot camp’ recently.
2015 saw us create a regular podcast series on health policy produced by our media intern and Radio Canada journalist, Melanie-Meloche Holubowski. It’s proven to be popular, along with our less frequently created video content.
Since 2011, we’ve published well over 500 original op-eds, podcasts, videos and backgrounders on controversial and timely health policy issues in Canada and had them published widely in every major media outlet across the country.
It was another great year for content produced by Evidence Network experts and authors. We created more than 150 original op-eds, podcasts, videos, posters and backgrounders on a wide range of health policy issues for publication in the mainstream media.
| Next 10 supports the use evidence when reporting on health and health policy in the mainstream media. Specific points of view represented here are the author’s and not those of Let us know how we’re doing: [email protected]
By Nicole Letourneau and Mary Lougheed
According to Statistics Canada, while Canada has made significant strides toward breastfeeding as a cultural norm — for example 89 percent of women initiated breastfeeding in 2012, compared to 69 percent in 1982 — we still have a long way to go.