Category Archives: Aging Population and its Potential Impacts Podcasts

How improving healthcare for the frail elderly can also cut costs

How can we overcome an ageist healthcare system?

Dr. Kenneth Rockwood, a geriatrician in Halifax and Researcher with the Canadian FRAILTY NETWORK says that an ageist attitude is an underlying cause of unsuitable healthcare for older patients.

Re-thinking care for Canada’s aging population
By Neena Chappell and Marcus Hollander

As the population ages, there is a growing belief that a tsunami of elderly patients will bankrupt the healthcare system, but evidence shows that this is a misconception.

How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging population?

As the population ages, experts say that the current institutional model of care needs to change to better support aging patients.

Will senior care in Canada break the bank?

Will the cost of senior care in Canada one day break the bank? Probably not, contrary to common perceptions.

Rethinking long-term care for seniors in Canada

Most people hope to be able to age in their own home. But seniors and their families don’t always have that choice. Four health care policy experts, Dr. Ivy Bourgeault, Dr. Robyn Tamblyn, Dr. Neena Chappell and Dr. Michel Grignon, believe it is time to rethink the philosophy behind long term care in Canada.

Audio Podcast: End of life care options limited, with Lindsay Jolivet (4.8 min)