Category Archives: Private, For Profit Solution to Funding Delivery Podcasts

Children with special needs: Addressing funding constraints in the public school system

Many schools across Canada are struggling to get the resources and funding needed to help students with special needs. Dr. Stuart Shanker and Susan Hopkins explain that schools and the government are trying to keep up with the demand.

How can we improve access to dental care in Canada?

Going to the dentist is too expensive for many Canadians. Dr. Robert Schroth explains why your dentist bill is so hefty and how we can help all Canadians have access to proper dental care.

How can we improve access to dental care in Canada?

Going to the dentist is too expensive for many Canadians. Dr. Robert Schroth explains why your dentist bill is so hefty and how we can help all Canadians have access to proper dental care.

L’inefficacité de l’assurance-médicaments privée coûte 5 milliards de dollars chaque année aux entreprises

Les régimes privés sont généralement inefficaces et coûtent au-delà de 5 milliards de dollars chaque année aux entreprises. Pourquoi les entreprises et les assureurs acceptent-ils autant de gaspillage?

A Supreme Court case that could change the face of the Canadian health care system

The BC Supreme Court will soon be ruling on a constitutional challenge that may very well change the face of health care in Canada.