Posters, Health More than Healthcare

All Canadians deserve safe, decent and affordable housing, but for some, the lack of housing is a matter of life and death.

Canada’s homelessness crisis is the direct result of the federal withdrawal from housing investment.

One of the biggest factors that determine whether people will stay healthy or wind up needing emergency or chronic medical care is where they live.

People without access to stable housing are at higher risk of illness, and their likelihood of recovering well from that illness is greatly diminished.

More than 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness at some point every year, whether they sleep in shelters, on the street, couch surf, or wait in hospital.

Canadians can be proud that our graduates are among the most productive and respected researchers in the fields of health services, health policy and health economics. Yet our own health system continues to under-perform.

As a family doctor who works largely with people living on low incomes, poverty is at the root of many of the illnesses I treat.

Canada has a mismatch between the world-class quality of research we produce on health every year and how that research is implemented into our healthcare system.

Talk to your doctor about whether that test, treatment or procedure is necessary. These 4 questions can help.

When patients feel that their doctor has communicated well with them, they report a better understanding of their health problems and treatment plan.
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