Tag Archives: Canada’s healthcare sytem

To improve value and spur innovation, we need to change the way we pay for health care Changer la rétribution des soins de santé pour rehausser la valeur et stimuler l’innovation
Par Alexis Wise
To improve value and spur innovation, we need to change the way we pay for health care To improve value and spur innovation, we need to change the way we pay for health care
By Alexis Wise
Culture is Healing in Indigenous Communities
By Jon McGavock

Most non-indigenous people struggle with the concept that culture has healing potential, but several lines of scientific evidence support it.

Culture is Healing in Indigenous Communities
By Jon McGavock

It’s time to bring indigenous leaders and experts into our policy solutions, and put them at the helm. Perhaps, then we can reduce the inequities that indigenous youth in this country live with every day.

Culture is Healing in Indigenous Communities
By Jon McGavock

Looking to the future, there is one obvious place governments and their policy makers can start if they want to improve health and reduce inequities among Canada’s indigenous peoples. It’s time to act on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission call to action — and acknowledge the expertise of indigenous elders and leaders in developing relevant solutions.

Culture is Healing in Indigenous Communities
By Jon McGavock

Policy makers are finally starting to pay attention to the connection between culture and health — and how that may offer steps forward for addressing health crises among Canada’s indigenous peoples.

Culture is Healing in Indigenous Communities
By Jon McGavock

In the wake of the crises in Attawapiskat, it’s time to examine the science that supports more culturally grounded approaches to improving health among Canada’s indigenous peoples.

Academics need to make sure their evidence matters
By Kathleen O'Grady

Most academic writing rarely influences thinking beyond the privileged circles in which it is constructed — and the vast majority is far from influencing public policy and debate on critical issues.

Academics need to make sure their evidence matters
By Kathleen O'Grady

We all benefit when research is read widely and discussed soundly. It’s how we can make sure evidence matters.

Academics need to make sure their evidence matters
By Kathleen O'Grady

Harnessing traditional and new media to engage with wider audiences helps make academic research live on, in other contexts, and affect change.

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