Tag Archives: education

It’s time to invest in a comprehensive Child and Youth Mental Health Strategy at provincial and national levels
By Mariette Chartier and Marni Brownell

Mental illness is the most common illness experienced by children and teens in Canada.

Saskatchewan doctors now checking the fiscal health of patients

Pamela Cowan, Regina Leader-Post

Why its never too late for low income Canadians to file their taxes Il n’est jamais trop tard pour produire sa déclaration de revenus
Par Gary Bloch et John Silver

Le dernier budget fédéral renferme un engagement important envers les citoyens à faible revenu : les aider à produire leurs déclarations de revenus.

Why do Canada’s children lag so far behind?
By Dr. Nicole Letourneau

Society doesn’t fully appreciate how crucially important those first years are, and how important that parent-child relationship is. It’s not just quality time, it’s quantity of quality time. Children need caregivers who are there, who are not preoccupied by work.

Why do Canada’s children lag so far behind?
By Dr. Nicole Letourneau

I think we need to really understand that child-bearing families in Canada need a lot more support than they’re getting.

Why its never too late for low income Canadians to file their taxes Why it’s never too late for low income Canadians to file their taxes
By Gary Bloch and John Silver

Most Canadians would like to see an end to poverty. What if we told you that one organization, using the existing social benefits system, found a way to get $21 million into the pockets of 9,000 low income individuals in Winnipeg?

Backgrounder: The relationship between burden of disease and health equity Backgrounder: The relationship between burden of disease and health equity
By Barbara Clow

Everyone deserves to live a long life in full health, but not everyone is so fortunate. Some individuals and groups are more at risk of falling ill, becoming severely ill or disabled or dying prematurely (that is, before the average expected life span).

Burden of Disease Backgrounder: ‘Burden of disease’: What it means and why it matters
By Barbara Clow

In a world affected by numerous diseases, disabilities and illnesses, how do governments, health care providers, media or the general public decide which ones are most important?

Alcohol use in pregnancy part of a complex set of issues Alcohol use in pregnancy part of a complex set of issues
By Chelsea Ruth

In my work as a neonatologist, I’ve looked after many, many babies. I’ve seen families of all ages, cultures and circumstances. But I’ve never seen a mother who wanted to harm her growing baby.

How-doctors-can-tackle-the-poverty-of-their-patients-without-leaving-the-doctor’s-office How doctors can tackle the poverty of their patients without leaving the doctor’s office
By Gary Bloch and Sharon Macdonald

Can a question asked in a doctor’s office contribute to ending poverty for patients and their families? This is what we asked ourselves 10 years ago, as we set out to convince health providers to tackle poverty.

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