Tag Archives: health service funding

Thinking outside the lab Thinking outside the lab
By Ted Bruce

Public health measures led to a seismic shift in how Canadians view smoking and their health, saving countless lives and reducing health care spending on premature illness.

Thinking outside the lab Thinking outside the lab
By Ted Bruce

What has significantly affected life expectancy in the last several decades? Improved nutrition and housing, clean drinking water, hygienic sewage disposal, safe deliveries of babies, vaccination programs, tobacco policies, workplace safety, better education and higher standards of living, to name a few.

Thinking outside the lab Thinking outside the lab
By Ted Bruce

Instead of curing disease, public health measures work on preventing disease by addressing factors that create illness in the first place: social, economic and physical environments, personal health practice and access to health services.

freedhoffposterjun28-16 We’ve Normalized the Abnormal
By Yoni Freedhoff

The world we have allowed to rise up around us makes unhealthy living the normal default behavior. If you have to go out of your way to make healthful choices, then go figure the vast majority of us won’t.

Reforming healthcare funding to address the needs of our aging population Reforming healthcare funding to address the needs of our aging population
By Réjean Hébert

Funding home care and long-term care is fast becoming the main challenge of our outdated medicare system — a system developed in the mid-twentieth century for a young population that mostly required acute care from hospitals and physicians.

african senior patient with female nurse What kind of health workforce will be needed to serve our aging population?
By Gregory Huyer and Ivy Lynn Bourgeault

We know that Canada’s population is aging. Among the many statistics that have been reported is how in 2015, the proportion of Canadian seniors surpassed that of youth under 15 for the first time. The gap will continue to widen over the next 20 years.

Time to re-think health care policy for the elderly Time to re-think health care policy for the elderly
By Neena Chappell and Marcus J. Hollander

As the Canadian population continues to age, there is a need to revisit conventional thinking regarding the provision of health care services for seniors to ensure that the system is sustainable for all Canadians. There are a number of misperceptions in current thinking.

Double-failing on health Double-failing on health
By Joshua Tepper

When we fail in healthcare we often double-fail: one in the event and again when we are unable to recognize, name and learn from that failure.

Double-failing on health Double-failing on health
By Joshua Tepper

The best way to honour a person who has been harmed by a healthcare failure is to do everything possible to learn from that failure so that it will not be prepared.

Four things we can do to improve healthcare in Canada Four things we can do to improve healthcare in Canada
By Joshua Tepper

As the federal election campaign wages, Canadians should be pressing federal political parties to take a leadership position on the healthcare file.

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