Tag Archives: homelessness

Homelessness costs Canadians big money without addressing the causes Homelessness costs Canadians big money without addressing the causes
By Jino Distasio
Can $11 billion end homelessness in Canada? Can $11 billion end homelessness in Canada?
By Jino Distasio
Stemming the tide of death after release from jails and prisons in Canada
By Fiona Kouyoumdjian and Stephen Hwang

The tragic stories of Ashley Smith, Edward Snowshoe and other inmates who have died while in Canadian correctional facilities have rightly made headlines around the country.

Ending homelessness in Canada is possible

On any given night in Canada, over 30 000 people are without a shelter. The director of the Institute of Urban Studies at the University of Winnipeg, Dr. Jino Distasio, believes that it is possible to end homelessness in Canada. …

Arrested for Sleeping Arrested for Sleeping?
By Jino Distasio

As humans, we need to sleep. It is a biologically unavoidable act. Yet, on both sides of the border, “sleeping” can be considered a criminal act, especially if you are homeless and have no place to rest your head other than in public spaces such as parks.

Why Canadian doctors should be on the front lines of the anti-poverty struggle

Over three million Canadians struggle to make ends meet. Four health care experts explain why poverty should be treated as an urgent medical issue in Canada, not just a moral one.

Most Read EvidenceNetwork.ca Articles from 2014

Here, for your reading pleasure, are the top 10 most read articles from EvidenceNetwork.ca in 2014.

Older adults living with mental illness need specialized housing and supports to avoid homelessness Seniors living with mental illness need special housing to avoid homelessness
By Pat Cashion and Lee Tunstall

The Older Adult Service Providers of Calgary released a report warning that more older adults could be at risk of homelessness if affordable seniors’ housing providers and mental health service providers don’t work together to tackle the growing problem of older adults living with mental illness.

Pourquoi nos gouvernements doivent s’attaquer dès maintenant à la pauvreté Why our governments need to address poverty now
By John Millar

Canadians might be surprised to learn that 86 families now hold more wealth than the poorest 11.4 million Canadians. Is this a Canada to be proud of? Hardly. According to many studies, the Canadian poverty rate remains high.