Tag Archives: hunger

Backgrounder_Why-Economic-Inequality-Matters-to-the-Health-and-Well-Being-of-All-Canadians Backgrounder: Why Economic Inequality Matters to the Health and Well-Being of All Canadians
By Carolyn Shimmin and John Millar

Does more healthcare create better outcomes? In other words, do more medications, tests and interventions necessarily result in healthier patients?
It turns out more care is, all too often, unnecessary care.

Backgrounder: How health providers in Canada are working together to treat poverty and improve health Backgrounder: How health providers in Canada are working together to treat poverty and improve health
By Dane Wanniarachige

Does more healthcare create better outcomes? In other words, do more medications, tests and interventions necessarily result in healthier patients?
It turns out more care is, all too often, unnecessary care.

Many of the most complex needs of my patients stem from poverty and not disease alone Some of the most complex needs of my patients stem from poverty and not disease alone
By Laura Stymiest with Elizabeth Lee-Ford Jones

A young girl is referred to a paediatrician’s office for inability to pay attention in the classroom. The child’s teacher is concerned she has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and possibly, a learning disability.

Backgrounder_The Impact of Poverty on Health Backgrounder: The impact of poverty on health
By Carolyn Shimmin

Does more healthcare create better outcomes? In other words, do more medications, tests and interventions necessarily result in healthier patients?
It turns out more care is, all too often, unnecessary care.