Tag Archives: income gap

A society with no poverty would be healthier, happier and easier to live in — and would save us all money in the end
By Gary Bloch

As a family doctor who works largely with people living on low incomes, poverty is at the root of many of the illnesses I treat.

Why its never too late for low income Canadians to file their taxes Why it’s never too late for low income Canadians to file their taxes
By Gary Bloch and John Silver

Most Canadians would like to see an end to poverty. What if we told you that one organization, using the existing social benefits system, found a way to get $21 million into the pockets of 9,000 low income individuals in Winnipeg?

How-doctors-can-tackle-the-poverty-of-their-patients-without-leaving-the-doctor’s-office How doctors can tackle the poverty of their patients without leaving the doctor’s office
By Gary Bloch and Sharon Macdonald

Can a question asked in a doctor’s office contribute to ending poverty for patients and their families? This is what we asked ourselves 10 years ago, as we set out to convince health providers to tackle poverty.

The time for a Guaranteed Annual Income The time for a Guaranteed Annual Income might finally have come
By Noralou Roos and Evelyn Forget

Could the Guaranteed Annual Income — once considered radical notion — now be an idea whose time has come?