Tag Archives: insurance coverage

Why private health insurance coverage in Canada needs a review
By John Have

What about all those individuals and families across Canada who want private health insurance coverage and can’t get it due to pre-existing conditions — or can’t afford it? This is a question our provincial and federal governments need to address.

Why private health insurance coverage in Canada needs a review
By John Have

Private healthcare costs in Canada have grown dramatically over the last 40 years. Adjusting for population growth and inflation, private healthcare costs have increased by over 220 percent on average since 1975 — or around $1,800 per person.

Backgrounder: Pharmaceutical policy in Canada

Pharmaceutical costs have been rising dramatically over the past three decades, both in real terms and as a component of health care spending. In 2012, Canadians spent $947 per capita a year on pharmaceuticals, up from $147 per capita in 1985.