Tag Archives: journalist

Symposium on Prescription Drug Pricing
March 8, 2016

On March 8, 2016 experts from the pharmaceutical, government, academic, medical and health care arena will gather at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health for a symposium on Prescription Drug Pricing.

By Andre den Exter
November 19-20, 2015

Reproductive Rights, New Reproductive Technologies and the European Fertility Market

Mon rôle en tant que chercheur est non seulement de rapporter les faits, mais aussi d’élever la voix

“Mon rôle en tant que chercheur est non seulement de rapporter les faits, mais aussi d’élever la voix lorsque les décisions politiques ne tiennent pas compte des données probantes.” Marc-André Gagnon est professeur agrégé à la School of Public Policy …

Quebec’s outdated drug coverage policies should not be a model for the rest of Canada My role as a researcher is to raise my voice when political decisions are not evidence-based
By Marc-André Gagnon

“My role as a researcher is not only to bring forth evidence, but also to raise my voice when political decisions are not evidence-based.” Marc-André Gagnon is an expert in political economy and health policy. He is an Associate Professor at …

As a publicly funded researcher, it’s your responsibility to try to get the truth out
By Damien Contandriopoulous

“Even though it’s a long-term battle, as a publicly funded researcher, it’s your responsibility to try to get the truth out.” Damien Contandriopoulos (Ph.D.) is an Associate Professor in Nursing, Researcher at the Public Health Research Institute at University of Montreal.   …

Researchers call on fellow scientists to be more vocal in the media
By Damien Contandriopoulous

“The research community is an essential part of an open society that values truth and ideas over interests and preferences. The time is now for researchers to get involved in the public debate.” Damien Contandriopoulos (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in Nursing, …

Conférence : les défis de l’interdépendance entre chercheurs et journalistes

Écoutez la table ronde organisée par la Chaire de recherche – Politiques, connaissances et santé de l’Université de Montréal. Le débat entre les panélistes a fait la lumière sur l’interdépendance des médias et des chercheurs.

New Panel of International Journalists offers support to journalists covering health systems from around the world New Panel of International Journalists offers support to journalists covering health systems from around the world
By EvidenceNetwork.ca

(Winnipeg, MB) Nine health journalists from seven countries are now available as a free resource for journalists covering health systems and health policy issues from around the world.

Why Canadian researchers need to be more vocal in the media

Talking to the media for a scientist may be a scary prospect. Yet some are calling on their peers to have their voices more often heard in the media in order to counter balance the voices of think tanks and lobbyists.

Presentation: Communicating Health Policy Evidence to the Media: EvidenceNetwork.ca
By Noralou Roos
May 15, 2014

Noralou Roos (Co-founder of EvidenceNetwork.ca) presented: Communicating Health Policy Evidence to the Media at “First Do No Harm… Second International Conference on Health Journalism”.