Tag Archives: medical costs

Obstetricians and gynecologists target reductions in unnecessary care that may harm patients and cost the health system Les obstétriciens et les gynécologues visent l’élimination des soins inutiles susceptibles de nuire aux patientes et d’imposer des coûts au système de santé
Par George D. Carson et Wendy Levinson
Obstetricians and gynecologists target reductions in unnecessary care that may harm patients and cost the health system Obstetricians and gynecologists target reductions in unnecessary care that may harm patients and cost the health system
By George D. Carson and Wendy Levinson
Canadians have more than one million unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures every year Canadians have more than one million unnecessary medical tests, treatments and procedures every year
By Wendy Levinson
How the Ontario government traps those with disabilities into lives of poverty How the Ontario government traps those with disabilities into lives of poverty
By Helen Ries with Jihan Abbas
Ten medical expenses you didn’t know were tax deductible These ten medical expenses could give you a tax break
By Kathleen O'Grady

As Canadians we like to take pride in our publicly funded healthcare system, but the truth is many of us — especially those with or caring for someone with disabilities or chronic conditions — pay out of pocket for a wide range of essential health services.

Why this US doctor is moving to Canada Why this U.S. doctor is moving to Canada.
By Emily Queenan

Like many of my U.S. counterparts, I’m a doctor moving my practice to Canada because I am tired of doing daily battle with the same adversary that my patients face — the private health insurance industry.

QUEENAN_Why this U.S. doctor is moving to Canada Why this U.S. doctor is moving to Canada
By Emily Queenan

I’m a U.S. family physician who has decided to relocate to Canada. The hassles of working in the dysfunctional health care “system” in the U.S. have simply become too intense.