Tag Archives: ontario

Private dental care fails millions in Ontario Private dental care fails millions in Ontario
By Jacquie Maund and Hazel Stewart
Health-reform-in-Ontario-must-include-oral-health Health reform in Ontario must include oral health
By Jacquie Maund and Hazel Stewart

The Ontario government’s proposed reform of the provincial health care system is going forward with a glaring omission: primary mouth care.

Ontario spends more than $11 billion a year on prescription Why an income-based drug plan is harmful to Ontario seniors
By Steve Morgan

Ontario spends $11-billion per year on prescription drugs. Nearly half of this is spent on medicines used by senior citizens, a group that receives public subsidies for nearly all of their prescription drug costs in Ontario.

How seriously do Ontario’s political parties take the health and wellbeing of Ontarians? How seriously do Ontario’s political parties take the health and wellbeing of Ontarians?
By Ryan Meili

We often hear that, in Canada, health is a provincial responsibility. This is understood as the provinces having autonomy over, and responsibility for, a large portion of the funding and delivery of health care services. But the influence of provincial policies on health outcomes goes far beyond doctors and hospitals, physiotherapists and pharmacies.

Government on right track with Target Benefit Pension Plans Government on right track with Target Benefit Pension Plans
By Robert Brown

In a speech in Toronto last week, Kevin Sorensen, Minister of State for Finance, introduced details of a new “hybrid” pension plan proposed for all federal workers and other corporations under federal pension regulation. He referred to these proposed plans as Target Benefit Pension Plans.

How seriously do Ontario’s political parties take the health and wellbeing of Ontarians? How seriously do Ontario’s political parties take the health and wellbeing of Ontarians?
By Dr. Ryan Meili