Tag Archives: Pharmacare

How a National Drug Plan Can Save Canada

Moving-forward-on-health-care-reform Moving forward on health care reform
By Allan Maslove
Why employers in Canada waste $5 billion a year on inefficient drug coverage Why employers in Canada waste $5 billion a year on inefficient drug coverage
By Sean O'Brady and Alan Cassels

Tackling the wastefulness of private drug plans would not only increase the disposable income of all Canadians, it would also reduce labour costs and increase the competitiveness of Canadian businesses.

Prescription drug costs hurting Canadians Prescription drug costs hurting Canadians
By Steve Morgan and Danielle Martin

“Without universal pharmacare, many Canadians must choose their jobs – or when to retire – based on availability of prescription drug insurance rather than life and career ambition. This hurts workers, employers and our economy.” Steve Morgan, Professor of Health …

Why Canada needs a national pharmacare program

Canada is currently the only developed country with a universal health-care system that does not include universal coverage of prescription drugs. And paradoxically is the most expensive one.

MORGAN_Four things needs to make pharmacare work for Canadians Four things needed to make pharmacare work for Canadians
By Steve Morgan

A growing number of health professionals, patients, community groups and even politicians are calling for national pharmacare. But many Canadians likely wonder what pharmacare is and whether Canada is ready for it.

Why employers in Canada waste 5B a year on inefficient drug coverage Why employers in Canada waste $5 billion a year on inefficient drug coverage
By Alan Cassels and Sean O'Brady

There is certainly a lot of waste in health systems, but one area that seems to have escaped close scrutiny is the waste in private drug plans in Canada. To put it simply, that waste is gut-churning.

High Cost of Healthcare Prescription drug costs hurting Canadians
By Danielle Martin and Steve Morgan

Health Ministers from across Canada will gather in Banff to discuss issues of common interest and explore opportunities to work together. Pharmacare — a program that would see all prescription drug costs covered through a publicly funded system instead of out-of-pocket — will almost certainly be on the agenda.

Comment un régime d’assurance-médicaments national relancerait l’économie canadienne How a national drug plan can boost the Canadian economy
By Marc-André Gagnon

Canadians pay among the highest costs per capita among OECD countries for prescription drugs, with one Canadian out of 10 unable to fill their prescriptions because of financial reasons.