Tag Archives: prescription

TAM_CARVERHILL_Medical students are coming to Parliament Hill to lobby for upstream solutions to the opioid crisis Medical students lobby Parliament Hill for upstream solutions to the opioid crisis
By Vivian Tam and Jacqueline Carverhill

A call to the emergency room announced that the ambulance was on its way. Joey, a middle-aged oilfield worker, was experiencing a suspected toxic ingestion of the opioid, fentanyl.

Canada needs a comprehensive strategy to improve prescription drug safety for seniors Canada needs a comprehensive strategy to improve prescription drug safety for seniors
By Nicole F. Bernier

Four years ago, at age 84, my dad survived a severe stroke. The downside is that during his hospital stay this otherwise fit person was put on a drug regimen and has been taking nine prescription drugs a day ever since.

Opioid crisis should be top of federal health agenda Opioid crisis should be top of federal health agenda
By Tara Gomes

Hundreds of codeine tablets stolen from the medicine cabinet of an elderly person living alone in a rural community. Hydromorphone tablets being distributed at weddings and high school parties. Fentanyl patches being cut up and sold for a profit on the street. This is the reality of the opioid crisis in Canada today

GagnonFRPosterJun01.15 Le gaspillage induit par les régimes privés d’assurance-médicaments coûte plus de 5 milliards de dollars par année aux entreprises canadiennes

“Le gaspillage induit par les régimes privés d’assurance-médicaments coûte plus de 5 milliards de dollars par année aux entreprises canadiennes.” Le Dr. Marc-André Gagnon, est professeur adjoint à la School of Public Policy and Administration de l’Université Carleton.   Lisez l’article: L’inefficacité de …

Why employers in Canada waste 5B a year on inefficient drug coverage L’inefficacité de l’assurance-médicaments privée coûte 5 milliards chaque année aux entreprises
Par Alan Cassels et Sean O'Brady

Il existe beaucoup de gaspillage au sein des systèmes de santé, mais un aspect qui semble avoir échappé à cette analyse est le gaspillage dans les assurances-médicaments privées au Canada. Estimés à plus de 5 milliards par année, cela représente la moitié des dépenses annuelles des prescriptions payées par les assureurs privés canadiens.