Tag Archives: prescription opioids

TAM_CARVERHILL_Medical students are coming to Parliament Hill to lobby for upstream solutions to the opioid crisis Medical students lobby Parliament Hill for upstream solutions to the opioid crisis
By Vivian Tam and Jacqueline Carverhill

A call to the emergency room announced that the ambulance was on its way. Joey, a middle-aged oilfield worker, was experiencing a suspected toxic ingestion of the opioid, fentanyl.

Opioid crisis should be top of federal health agenda Opioid crisis should be top of federal health agenda
By Tara Gomes

Hundreds of codeine tablets stolen from the medicine cabinet of an elderly person living alone in a rural community. Hydromorphone tablets being distributed at weddings and high school parties. Fentanyl patches being cut up and sold for a profit on the street. This is the reality of the opioid crisis in Canada today

Solving Canada’s opioid epidemic must include tackling what got us into the predicament in the first place
By Alan Cassels

By all accounts we are in the midst of a deadly drug epidemic so severe and widespread few people in North America will remain untouched by it.

Backgrounder: Canada’s prescription opioid crisis Backgrounder: Canada’s prescription opioid crisis
By Ann Silversides

“The misuse of opioids has grown exponentially with devastating consequences” – First Do No Harm: Responding to Canada’s Prescription Drug Crisis (Canadian Council on Substance Abuse, 2013).