Tag Archives: public health care

When it comes to prescription drug coverage, our health system has plenty in common with the United States — and that’s not a good thing When it comes to prescription drug coverage, our health system has plenty in common with the United States — and that’s not a good thing
By Colleen Flood

Canadians don’t like to hear this, but when it comes to pharmaceuticals, our health insurance system has plenty in common with the United States – and that’s not a good thing

When it comes to prescription drug coverage, our health system has plenty in common with the United States — and that’s not a good thing When it comes to prescription drug coverage, our health system has plenty in common with the United States — and that’s not a good thing
By Colleen Flood

Many Canadians have no drug insurance whatsoever and one in five Canadians now report that someone in their household is not taking their prescription medicine due to concerns about costs.

Thinking outside the lab
By Ted Bruce and David Peters

Recently, the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA) celebrated the fact that the average lifespan of Canadians has increased by more than 30 years since the early 1900s. That’s something we can all celebrate.

Canada’s housing crisis is a public health emergency
By Tim Richter and Ryan Meili

In emergency rooms and frontline clinics, patients are triaged based on the urgency of their illness. The sickest are seen first, followed by those in less immediate danger.

Early interventions require a new means of social investment Early interventions require a new means of social investment
By Ryan Meili and James Hughes

Investing in social programs improves social conditions and, as a consequence, improves people’s lives. That’s fairly obvious. What hasn’t always been as obvious, however, is that such social spending doesn’t tend to come at the cost of economic growth.

Time to re-think health care policy for the elderly
By Neena Chappell and Marcus J. Hollander

As the Canadian population continues to age, there is a need to revisit conventional thinking regarding the provision of health care services for seniors to ensure that the system is sustainable for all Canadians. There are a number of misperceptions in current thinking.

Stemming the tide of death after release from jails and prisons in Canada
By Fiona Kouyoumdjian and Stephen Hwang

The tragic stories of Ashley Smith, Edward Snowshoe and other inmates who have died while in Canadian correctional facilities have rightly made headlines around the country.

Toward a true health accord Toward a true health accord
By Ryan Meili

Later this month, Canada’s Minister of Health, Dr. Jane Philpott, will meet with her provincial and territorial counterparts in Vancouver. This is no ordinary get-together.

Saskatoon's housing crisis Is a health emergency Saskatoon’s housing crisis Is a health emergency
By Michael Schwandt and Ryan Meili

Recently, a disturbing photo of five people sleeping in a Saskatoon bank lobby became headline news and filled social media feeds.

Four things we can do to improve healthcare in Canada
By Joshua Tepper

As the federal election campaign wages, Canadians should be pressing federal political parties to take a leadership position on the healthcare file.

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