Tag Archives: public-private

Backgrounder A primer on the legal challenge between Dr. Brian Day and British Columbia Backgrounder: A primer on the legal challenge between Cambie Surgeries Corporation (led by Dr. Brian Day) and British Columbia — and how it may affect our healthcare system
By Karen Palmer

“Medicare,” provides public funding for all medically necessary hospital and physician services.

Private delivery of healthcare can work in a publicly funded system but comes with risks Private delivery of healthcare can work in a publicly funded system but comes with risks
By Stephen Duckett

Transparency won’t solve all the issues of private sector contracting in healthcare, but without it, the risks for Canadians will almost certainly outweigh the benefits.

Private delivery of healthcare can work in a publicly funded system but comes with risks Private delivery of healthcare can work in a publicly funded system but comes with risks
By Stephen Duckett

The response to privatization of health delivery should not be a knee-jerk one, that this is a no-go area for Canada. Rather, public purchasers should be held to account for the nature of the contracts they sign and should not be able to hide behind confidentiality clauses.

L’assurance obligatoire ne favorise pas un accès abordable aux médicaments d’ordonnance How to create an affordable prescription drug plan
By Steve Morgan

The Liberal government of New Brunswick appears to be stepping back from the brink of mandatory prescription drug insurance. And so they should.

Private Healthcare Private delivery of healthcare can work in a publicly funded system but comes with risks
By Stephen Duckett

A decision by the Alberta Health Services last month seemed innocuous enough — to swap the tender for laboratory services from a United States-based transnational corporation to an Australian one — but it provoked a furore of discontent.

Stethoscope / Law Backgrounder: Court challenges to one-tier medicare
By Alex Peden

Two court cases with strong implications for the future of the Canadian health care system have been frequently mentioned in the news. Understanding the Chaoulli and Cambie Surgeries cases involves clarifying the difference between public and private health care in Canada.