Tag Archives: suicide prevention

We need to talk about male suicide

Political scientist Shannon Sampert says not enough is being done to help the group of Canadians who are most likely to die by suicide — men, especially those who are middle-aged.

Public health ignores mens suicide Public health ignores men’s suicide
By Shannon Sampert

Funding community-based programs can reduce male suicide

The suicide rate for men in Canada is three to four times higher than women.

This rate increases even more in certain subgroups such as gay men, indigenous men or veterans.

Funding community-based programs can help reduce male suicide
By John Oliffe and Britney Dennison

Jason was in Grade 5 when he started having feelings for other boys. Because of those feelings he was called names, beaten up in school and even sexually assaulted. Since high school, Jason has been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, borderline personality disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder. He has also survived a suicide attempt.

Five ways we can reduce suicides in Canada Five ways we can reduce suicides in Canada
By Jitender Sareen and Cara Katz

The death of comedian Robin Williams last month sparked a worldwide discussion about suicide, its underlying causes and how it might be prevented.

Media coverage of youth suicide linked to increased emergency room visits for mental health distress
By Stephanie L. Leon and Mario Cappelli

In the last few years, two high profile youth suicides in the Ottawa region garnered tremendous media attention and, as a new study suggests, resulted in increased emergency room visits by youth for mental health distress.

La prévention du suicide : un travail conjoint à l’échelle des communautés What I’ve learned after a decade of researching suicide
By Jitender Sareen

The death of comedian Robin Williams last month sparked a worldwide discussion about suicide, its underlying causes and how it might be prevented.