Tag Archives: UNICEF

Re-thinking care for Canada’s aging population

As the population ages, there is a growing belief that a tsunami of elderly patients will bankrupt the healthcare system, but evidence shows that this is a misconception.

Can filing taxes be a treatment for poverty? Here’s how doctors are helping their low-income patients

While the link between poverty and poor health outcomes is well established, experts say that many health care providers feel unequipped to intervene. Nancy McPherson, a Population Health Analyst, says that one solution is for health practitioners to diagnose and …

Why do Canada’s children lag so far behind?

A version of this podcast appeared in the Huffington Post In a recent UNICEF report, Canada ranked in the bottom half of the world’s richest countries in overall child well-being and child equality. Experts say that a lack of access …

Canada needs to rethink approach to early childhood development Le Canada doit repenser son approche en matière de petite enfance
Par Nicole Letourneau et Justin Joschko

L’UNICEF a publié récemment un classement des 29 pays les plus riches de la planète en fonction du bien-être des enfants. Le Canada figure en 17e position, ce qui le place dans le peloton de queue en ce qui touche certains facteurs comme la pauvreté chez les enfants, le bien‑être affectif et la satisfaction de vivre.

La pauvreté infantile, un problème canadien Child poverty a Canadian problem
By Elizabeth Lee Ford-Jones

UNICEF’S most recent report on child well-being in rich countries ranked Canada 17 out of 29 countries assessed. Sadly, this isn’t news. The House of Commons resolved to eradicate child poverty in 1989, but in late 2013, Statistics Canada reported that 967,000 children in this country still lived in low-income homes.