Tag Archives: Waiting for care

Waiting for emergency care – how long is too long? Waiting for emergency care – how long is too long?
By Alan Katz and Jennifer Enns
Is it fair to make a public appeal for a live organ donor Is it fair to make a public appeal for a live organ donor?
By Jennifer Chandler

The public response to the appeal on behalf of Eugene Melnyk, owner of the Ottawa Senators hockey team, for a liver donor has been a heart-warming demonstration of the generosity of our community. Fortunately, a donor was found and the transplant was performed in time to save his life.

Surgical Wait Times for Publicly Funded Health Services in Canada Backgrounder: Surgical wait times for publicly funded health services in Canada
By Neeta Das McMurtry

Public opinion polls show many Canadians worry about surgical wait times. Anecdotal media reports and heated political debates encourage this worry. But the question remains: Are Canadians waiting too long for surgery?

Report card on wait times in Canada omits important developments Report card on wait times in Canada omits important developments
By Don Dick and Linda Woodhouse

Canadians might have been inclined to take a sedative for an anxiety attack after reading about the Wait Time Alliance’s (WTA) 2014 report card on waits for medical care in Canada. The WTA gives Canada a failing grade on the structural changes it says are needed to have the timely access to care seen in other countries.