Evidence Network

Social Policy

If the federal government is serious about tackling poverty, reining in ‘payday lending’ a good place to start

I met Ben and Sherry when I was facilitating a focus group discussion in Winnipeg with consumers who use payday loans. A payday loan is the borrowing of a small amount of money (up to $1,500) that must be repaid in a short time frame and carries a hefty fee.

Why it’s never too late for low income Canadians to file their taxes

Most Canadians would like to see an end to poverty. What if we told you that one organization, using the existing social benefits system, found a way to get $21 million into the pockets of 9,000 low income individuals in Winnipeg?

Why Manitoba needs to invest in its children

To thrive economically, Manitoba needs young people. Fortunately, our relatively high birth rate — around 1.93 for every 1000 women — combined with favourable immigration trends means that Manitoba’s population will continue to grow.

Can filing taxes be a treatment for poverty? Here’s how doctors are helping their low-income patients

While the link between poverty and poor health outcomes is well established, experts say that many health care providers feel unequipped to intervene. Nancy McPherson, a Population Health Analyst, says that one solution is for health practitioners to diagnose and treat poverty, like any other physical condition. An immediate step is to encourage patients to […]

Canadian doctors tackle the relationship between climate change, extreme heat and patient health

This week, Canadian physicians are gathering for the annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Association (CMA). Often called Canada’s ‘Parliament of Medicine,’ one of the meeting’s strategic sessions is zeroing in on the health consequences of climate change.

Download our new free eBook! Why We Need More Canadian Health Policy in the Media

Making Evidence Matter in Canadian Health Policy is a compendium of OpEds published in the media in 2012-2013 by some of Canada’s leading experts in the field, offering a snapshot of the evidence on the issues of the day.

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