Damien Contandriopoulos, PhD
Université de Montréal
Financing; Privatization; Primary Care Delivery
514-343-6111 ext. 35176 | [email protected] | @Faussenurse
Damien Contandriopoulos (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor in Nursing, Researcher at the Public Health Research Institute at University of Montreal (IRSPUM) and Co-Director of IRSPUM’s Research Axis on Politics and Ethics.
His main areas of research are focused on the analysis of health policy-making processes, the use of evidence in decision-making and the analysis of highly performing models of healthcare delivery. Current research projects examine the policy debate on the privatization of healthcare services, the characteristics of promising models of primary care delivery, and the policy preferences of major stakeholders in the reform of the healthcare system
Dr. Contandriopoulos is the author of over 50 scientific publications and regularly presents his research in major scientific venues.
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Commentaries by Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos:
Cinq milliards, mais pas de lumière
Giving doctors more money does not improve access to care
Beyond the Chaoulli ruling // Au-delà de l’affaire Chaoulli
Interviews with Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos:
Why Canadian researchers need to be more vocal in the media
Conférence : les défis de l’interdépendance entre chercheurs et journalistes
Posters by Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos:
“There are no shortage of pundits weighing in on the state of the Canadian healthcare system. Too bad the debates aren’t often based on the facts. We deserve better. We deserve evidence.”
Read the commentary: Beyond the Chaoulli ruling
“Les opinions sur la question ne manquent pas. En revanche, il est inquiétant de constater que les débats sur le financement des services de santé ne reposent généralement pas sur des faits. Or, cette questions mérite mieux.”
Lisez l’article: Beyond the Chaoulli ruling
“The research community is an essential part of an open society that values truth and ideas over interests and preferences. The time is now for researchers to get involved in the public debate.”
Read the commentary : Canadian researchers call on fellow scientists to be more vocal in the media
“Il existe des idées zombies, des idées qui ont été démontrées scientifiquement fausses et qui sont intellectuellement mortes, mais qui reviennent malgré tout hanter les débats publics. Les chercheurs ont un devoir de prendre la parole pour informer les débats.”
Lisez le commentaire: Des chercheurs canadiens sollicitent de leurs pairs une plus grande présence dans les médias
“Even though it’s a long-term battle, as a publicly funded researcher, it’s your responsibility to try to get the truth out.”
Read the commentary : Canadian researchers call on fellow scientists to be more vocal in the media