Dane Wanniarachige
Health Journalist Intern
[email protected] |
Dane Wanniarachige holds a Bachelor of Medical Science (Hon.) and Master of Journalism degree from the University of Western Ontario. He is presently a medical student at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. He has been a journalist intern for EvidenceNetwork.ca since June 2016.
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Backgrounders by Dane Wanniarachige
Backgrounder: How health providers in Canada are working together to treat poverty and improve health
Backgrounder: Improving nutritional information on food labels to help consumers make healthier choices
Podcasts by Dane Wanniarachige
Funding community-based programs can reduce male suicide
How can we overcome an ageist healthcare system?
Re-thinking care for Canada’s aging population
A Sugar Tax is Not the Answer
How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging population?
Culture is Healing in Indigenous Communities
Can filing taxes be a treatment for poverty? Here’s how doctors are helping their low-income patients
Why do Canada’s children lag so far behind?
Breaking the boundaries of complex care for children