We are pleased to announce the publication of our fourth eBook, Why We Need More Canadian Health Policy in the Media edited by Noralou Roos, Kathleen O’Grady, Eileen Boriskewich, Mélanie Meloche-Holubowski, Carolyn Shimmin, Kristy Wittmeier and Nanci Armstrong (ISBN 978-0-9916971-9-9).
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Why We Need More Canadian Health Policy in the Media is a compilation of the EvidenceNetwork.ca commentaries published in major newspapers in 2015, written by experts in the health policy field. These articles highlight the most recent evidence on a wide range of topics, including our aging population, healthcare costs and spending, mental health, pharmaceutical policy, the social determinants of health and distinctions between the Canadian and American healthcare systems among other topics.
This is the fourth volume in the annual series of eBooks produced by EvidenceNetwork.ca, the first being Canadian Health Policy in the News (2013), followed by Making Evidence Matter in Canadian Health Policy (2014) and Navigating the Evidence: Communicating Canadian Health Policy in the Media (2015)
This eBook is available free of charge in a number of different formats, so we encourage you to share it widely, use it as a textbook or share via social media. Happy Reading!
We acknowledge the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, Research Manitoba, the Manitoba Centre for Health Policy, the George and Fay Yee Centre for Healthcare Innovation, CIHR’s Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, and their Institute of Population and Public Health, The Canadian Frailty Network, and the University of Manitoba’s Department of Community Health Sciences and Max Rady College of Medicine whose funding supports EvidenceNetwork.ca.
Have you downloaded the first free book in our series?
Canadian Health Policy in the News: Why Evidence Matters
Have you downloaded the second free book in our series?
Making Evidence Matter in Canadian Health Policy
Have you downloaded the third free book in our series?
Navigating the Evidence: Communicating Canadian Health Policy

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.