Michel Grignon

Dr. Grignon is a professor with the departments of Economics and Health, Aging & Society and McMaster University, and Director of the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis (CHEPA).

His work includes studies of the role of age in medical decision-making, financing of long-term care, the measurement of equity in healthcare utilization, the examination of policies to address inequities, the integration of foreign trained healthcare professionals in Canada.

He has published in leading health economic and health services research journals and is now consulting for the Canadian Institute for Health Information. He is the co-editor of Revue Française des Affaires Sociales and member of the editorial board of Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique (France).


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Commentaries by Dr. Michel Grignon:

Slow down and stop the killing // Roulons plus doucement et arrêtons le massacre
Thousands of lives could be saved every year by improving our health care system
 //Améliorer notre système de soins de santé permettrait de sauver des milliers de vies chaque année
Health system costs not incurable but preventable
The real costs of long-term care for Canada

What’s wrong with hospital rankings?

Interviews with Dr. Michel Grignon:

Audio Podcast: Rethinking long-term care for seniors in Canada
Audio Podcast: Will Senior Care in Canada Break the Bank?





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