Neeta das McMurtry

Neeta das McMurtry specializes in making academic and scientific writing accessible to broader audiences. She loves this work because it allows her to learn while sharing interesting research with others.

Her previous experience includes communications, radio production, videography, television reporting and wrestling with her 3 sons… but not all at once. She studied literature at Queen’s University and Journalism at the University of Western Ontario.


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Commentaries by Neeta das McMurtry:

Canada has too many kids in care – and the situation is not improving // Le nombre d’enfants placés en structures d’accueil au Canada est trop élevé
We need a radical new approach for kids in care

Backgrounders by Neeta das McMurtry:

Kids in Care in Canada: The Alarming Facts
Why more healthcare is not always the answer
Surgical wait times for publicly funded health services in Canada

Interviews by Neeta das McMurtry:

Four strategies for turning local healthcare innovation into routine practice everywhere
Listening to our Elders
Canada needs a national drug surveillance system
Managing Healthcare: Why Brains and Money Aren’t Enough
How a National Drug Plan Can Save Canada
How improving healthcare for the frail elderly can also cut costs
From prescriptions to prevention: Managing Canada’s opioid addiction

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