Robert Brown

Robert Brown was Professor of Actuarial Science and Director of the Institute of Insurance and Pension Research at the University of Waterloo.  He retired as of September 1, 2010 and now resides in Victoria, BC.

Professor Brown is the incoming President of the International Actuarial Association and was President of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries in 1990/91 and the SoA in 2000-2001.  Robert also was the Research Chair for the Ontario Expert Commission on Pensions 2007-08.

Robert has authored seven books including ‘Economic Security for an Aging Canadian Population’ (1999). Professor Brown has published more than fifty articles in refereed journals.  His research focus is the evolution of financial security programs in times of rapidly shifting demographics.

Robert Brown graduated from the University of Waterloo in 1971 with a BMath degree.  He added a MA in Gerontology in 1994 (Waterloo) and a PhD (Gerontology) from Simon Fraser University in 1997.  Robert is a Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Actuaries, a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries, an Associate of the Casualty Actuarial Society and an Honorary Fellow of the UK Institute of Actuaries.

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Commentaries by Dr. Robert Brown:

Universal national pharmacare for Canada may offer a small personal loss for a few but a larger public gain
Who will benefit from an expanded Canada Pension Plan Benefit? It’s not who you think
Do we really need an expanded CPP
Why private health insurance coverage in Canada needs a review
The good, the bad and the unintended consequences of an expanded CPP
Why we need to think twice about adopting an Australian model of pension reform
The inconsistencies of Canadian healthcare
What do Canadians need from pension reform?
Pros and cons of an expanded Canada Pension Plan
The Canadian baby boom years are different from the U.S. // Il ne faut pas confondre le baby-boom canadien et celui des États-Unis
Government on the right track with Target Benefit Pension Plans
Pension reform — Lessons from Australia
PEI proposal fails to spark CPP reform
An enhanced CPP would not come at the expense of the young
Genetic privacy regulations may have unintended consequences
PEI proposal could spark Canada Pension Plan reform
Target Benefit Pension Plans are our future
Defined pensions largely a thing of the past
Is the Canadian health care system a Ponzi scheme?
Expanding CPP easier said than done
For once, let’s be thankful to our ‘big brother’ in Ottawa // Pour une fois, remercions notre « big brother » à Ottawa
Let’s debate OAS based on fact, not perception
Lies, damn lies and statistics
More health care does not mean better health // Plus de soins de santé ne veut pas dire une meilleure santé
Pension pools: The way to go?
Pension plans: Why all the fuss?




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