François Béland, PhD
Université de Montréal
Health Services for the Elderly
514-343-2225 | [email protected]
(Available for interviews in French/English)
François Béland is a Professor in the Health Administration Department of the Université de Montréal Faculty of Medicine and an Associate Professor in the McGill University Medicine Faculty Division of Geriatric Medicine. He is a member of the Institut de recherche sur la santé publique de l’Université de Montréal (IRSPUM) as well as the Co-founder and co-director of SOLIDAGE – McGill University – Université de Montréal Research Group on Frailty and Aging. He is coordinating the Lady Davis Institute’s Health services research sector at the Jewish General Hospital.
He completed post-doctoral studies in Healthcare Organization at the University of Michigan in 1979, and holds a Ph.D. (1978) in Sociology from Université Laval.
For over 25 years, he has focused on research in gerontology, and is particularly interested in the organization of integrated services for frail older persons, patterns of utilization and costs of such services, sustainability of Medicare, and health- related inequalities within the general population. He is one of the principal researchers who developed the SIPA model, a system of integrated services for frail older persons.
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Commentaries by Dr. François Béland:
Barrette’s Reform Ignores Evidence on What Works // La réforme Barrette ne tient pas la route
Quebec health reform Bill 10 puts Health Minister at centre // La réforme réussira-t-elle à réduire la bureaucratie en santé?
Financement des soins de santé – Les faits plutôt que les idées reçues