Ivy Lyn Bourgeault, PhD
University of Ottawa
Health Workforce Issues
613-562-5800 ext. 8614; or (c) 613-806-8287 | [email protected]
Dr. Bourgeault is a Professor in the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Chair in Gender, Work and Health Human Resources. She is also the lead coordinator of the pan Canadian Health Human Resource Network housed at the University of Ottawa with funding from Health Canada and the CIHR.
Dr. Bourgeault has garnered an international reputation for her research on health professions, health policy and women’s health. She has published widely in national and international journals and edited volumes on midwifery and maternity care, primary care delivery, advanced practice nursing, qualitative health research methods, and on complementary and alternative medicine. She has been a consultant to various provincial Ministries of Health in Canada, to Health Canada and to the World Health Organization. Her recent research focuses on the migration of health professionals and their integration into the Canadian health care system. Dr. Bourgeault sits on the international editorial board of Sociology of Health and Illness and the Journal of Marketing and Management in Healthcare as well as on the Institute Advisory Board of the CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research. – See more at: https://evidencenetwork.ca/ivybougeault#sthash.8LmS91RZ.dpuf
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Commentaries by Dr. Ivy Lynn Bourgeault:
What kind of health workforce will be needed to serve our aging population? // Quels effectifs faudra-t-il mettre en place pour répondre aux besoins de notre population vieillissante?
Why a new Health Accord needs to include better planning for health human resources // Tout nouvel Accord sur la santé devrait prévoir un mécanisme de planification des ressources humaines
Why do we have so few midwives in Canada? // Pourquoi y a-t-il aussi peu de sages-femmes au Canada?
Premiers’ health report a good start but important opportunities missed
Health care’s bigest soap opera
Interviews with Dr. Ivy Lynn Bourgeault:
Audio Podcast: How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging population?
Audio Podcast: Rethinking long-term care for seniors in Canada
Audio Podcast: Will Senior Care in Canada Break the Bank?
Posters by Dr. Ivy Lynn Bourgeault:
“Our aging population is not a tsunami, but a slow moving demographic shift. We have time to prepare but we need to get started.”
Listen to the Podcast: Will senior care in Canada break the bank?
We save money in the health system on the backs of family care providers who are then exhausted because they are relied upon to do tasks that they are not trained for, don’t have competency in, and don’t have the resources to manage.
Listen to the Podcast: Rethinking long-term care for seniors in Canada
You can’t wave a magic wand and have everything in the health system suddenly delivered by homecare without there being explicit consideration of how to deploy this homecare workforce.
Listen to the Podcast: How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging
The architecture of our health system was created in the 1960s but we’ve had a demographic shift that’s been reversed since. Our health system needs to reflect our changing population and their needs.
Listen to the Podcast: How can we change the health workforce to serve our aging