Jody Heymann, MD, PhD
University of California, Los Angeles
US Healthcare System, Social Policies, and Health
1-310-825-6381 | [email protected]
Jody Heymann, M.D., Ph.D. is the Founding Director of the Institute for Health and Social Policy, the WORLD Global Data Centre, the Healthier Societies Initiative, and a series of best practices initiatives. The WORLD Global Data Centre, an unprecedented effort to improve the level and quality of comparative policy data available to public and private sector decision makers, examines health and social policies and outcomes in all 193 UN countries. The Healthier Societies Initiative is a program investigating approaches to controlling health costs while improving health outcomes. The best practices initiative includes examining how companies and countries can improve working conditions while economically succeeding. The recipient of a Canada Research Chair in Global Health and Social Policy, Jody Heymann has worked with public and private sector leaders around the world as well as a wide range of intergovernmental organizations including the World Health Organization, the International Labor Organization, UNICEF, and UNESCO.
Dr. Heymann’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Business Week, Inc. Magazine,, Forbes, on CNN, NPR, MSNBC, Good Morning America, Fox News, among other internationally and nationally syndicated programs and press.
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Commentaries by Jody Heymann:
Canada fares better than the U.S. on value for health care dollars — but lags behind other developed nations // Le Canada affiche un meilleur rendement que les États Unis au chapitre du rendement des sommes investies dans la santé, mais inférieur à celui d’autres pays développés
Why breastfeeding breaks for working moms pay off // Les pauses allaitement sont rentables pour les travailleuses
Posters by Jody Heymann:
“It’s not only the amount of money spent on healthcare that makes a difference to health outcomes. A country’s social investments also contribute significant increases in longevity.”
Read the commentary: Canada fares better than the U.S. on value for healthcare dollars — but lags behind other developed nations
“Poverty rates in Canada, while lower than the U.S., have been on the rise — and poverty is one of the leading determinants of poor health.”
Read the commentary: Canada fares better than the U.S. on value for healthcare dollars — but lags behind other developed nations