Since 2011, we’ve published well over 500 original op-eds, podcasts, videos and backgrounders on controversial and timely health policy issues in Canada and had them published widely in every major media outlet across the country. Once our content runs in the mainstream press, we publish them on our website,, with a Creative Commons license for easy reprinting and sharing.
So what’s been most popular?
Below find the Top 40 original articles on health policy on our site from 2011-2015 in English and French. Bonne lecture !
Pourquoi les personnes âgées sont importantes et comment elles contribuent à nos vies quotidiennes
by Verena Menec
Why seniors matter — and how they contribute to our everyday lives
by Verena Menec
Backgrounder: Obesity trends in Canada
by Banaz Al-khalidi -
Certainty of punishment is best crime deterrent
by Rick Linden
Why did Manitoba students perform so poorly on the latest national school report?
by Marni Brownell and Nathan Nickel -
Beware drug store dispensing fees
by Noralou Roos
Download our free eBook! Canadian Health Policy in the News: Why Evidence Matters
by Noralou Roos, Sharon Manson Singer, Kathleen O’Grady, Shannon Turczak, and Camilla Tapp
It’s time to include dental health in the healthcare system
by Paul Allison -
How the federal government plans to end homelessness
by Vicky Stergiopoulos and Sam Tsemberis -
Download our free eBook! Making Evidence Matter in Canadian Health Policy
by Noralou Roos, Kathleen O’Grady, Shannon Turczak, Camilla Tapp and Lindsay Jolivet
Canada Health Transfer changes: The devil is in the details
by Livio Di Matteo
Why Canada should care about the Shouldice Hospital deal
by Irfan Dhalla
Why Canada shouldn’t compete with the U.S. for the worst performing health system in the developed world
by Colleen Flood
Why we never seem to have enough hospital beds in Canada
by Jason Sutherland and Trafford Crump -
Five things every Canadian should know about obesity
by Carolyn Shimmin
Le temps est-il venu d’autoriser le suicide assisté?
by Harvey Max Chochinov and Balfour M. Mount -
Backgrounder: The price of prescription drugs in Canada
Prepared by the Science Media Centre of Canada with resources from -
Backgrounder: Canada’s prescription opioid crisis
by Ann Silversides
The real costs of long-term care for Canada
by Michel Grignon and Nicole F. Bernier
We can sustain our health care system — here’s how
by Neena Chappell and Marcus Hollander
Backgrounder: Canada’s aging population and the need for changes in health care delivery
by Ann Silversides
How Canada fails people with mental illnesses
by Paul Kurdyak and Sanjeev Sockalingam -
Download our new free eBook! Navigating the Evidence: Communicating Canadian Health Policy in the Media
by Noralou Roos, Kathleen O’Grady, Shannon Turczak, Camilla Tapp and Lindsay Jolivet
La malbouffe ne fait pas qu’arrondir vos hanches, elle les gruge
by Cy Frank and Ron Zernicke -
Playing violin for your health
by Arya Sharma -
Pension plans: Why all the fuss?
by Robert Brown
Backgrounder: Mental illness and addictions in Canada
by Victoria Jeffries -
How Canada artificially inflates the cost of prescription drugs to the tune of $2-billion
by Marc-André Gagnon
How to save $690 and prevent unnecessary worry
by Alan Cassels
What I learned as a medical student working with low-income families in Toronto
by Lita Cameron and Elizabeth Lee Ford-Jones
Backgrounder: The Dutch health care system
by Lee Tunstall
Why we all discriminate — even our doctors
by Stephen Hwang
Who’s afraid of universal pharmacare?
by Marc-André Gagnon
Comparing U.S., Canadian health care systems
by Trudy Lieberman
Time for Canada to improve our health care performance
by Colleen Flood
Why Canadian hospitals outperform U.S. hospitals
by Steffie Woolhandler and David Himmelstein -
Five things most people get wrong about Canada’s healthcare system
by Kathleen O’Grady and Noralou Roos
Why other provinces may follow Ontario’s lead in reducing physician fees
by Mark Stabile
Sure fire tricks to get the most out of your vitamin supplements
by Mike Allan and James McCormack
Prescription drug addiction is a major public health crisis
by Irfan Dhalla and David Juurlink
Nanci Armstrong is the Research Support at Kathleen O’Grady is the Managing Editor at and a Research Associate at the Simone de Beauvoir Institute, Concordia University.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.