Most Widely Shared EvidenceNetwork Articles from 2014We publish all of our Commentaries in the major newspapers across the country before they make it to our website with a Creative Commons license.

Here is a list of the articles that we produced that were most widely shared through social media channels via our media partners.  Considering that the average Facebook user has 320 friends, many of our most widely shared articles had an audience reach into the millions, and most of our top articles, in the hundreds of thousands.


1. Why dental care should be included in the public health system, by Paul Allison, originally published in the Globe and Mail.

2. As a doctor, I know too well why the minimum wage needs to rise, by Gary Bloch, originally published in the Globe and Mail.

3. Five things Canadians get wrong about the health system, by Kathleen O’Grady and Noralou Roos, originally published in the Globe and Mail.

4.  Meet the Canadian doctor who treats poverty like a disease, by Trudy Lieberman, originally published in the Huffington Post.

5.  Almost a million kids in poverty is an acute emergency, by Elizabeth Lee Ford Jones, originally published in the Toronto Star

– And in French as La pauvreté infantile, un problème canadien, in Le Huffington Post Quebec.

6.  It’s simple: Canada needs more midwives, by Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, originally published in the Ottawa Citizen.

– And in French as Pourquoi y a-t-il aussi peu de sages-femmes au Canada? in Le Huffington Post Quebec.

7.  Why one of Canada’s big banks is calling for greater income equality, by Ryan Meili, originally published in the Toronto Star.

8.  Ottawa moves to strip power from top public health scientist, by Colleen Flood and Stephen Hoffman, originally published in the Toronto Star.

9.  Why we all need to have end of life conversations, by Harvey Max Chochinov, originally published in the Globe and Mail.

10.  Why a two-tiered system won’t solve our healthcare woes, by Mark Stabile, originally published in the Globe and Mail.

– And in French as Quels problèmes la privatisation de la santé était-elle censée régler, déjà? in Le Soleil (La Presse).

Don’t forget to see more of our newly released Commentaries and Backgrounders, as well as Videos, Posters and Infographics.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.