Screen shot 2014-06-17 at 9.59.08 AMConference: Holding Power to Account: Investigative Journalism, Democracy, and Human Rights
When: June 13 — 15, 2014
Where: Winnipeg, Canada

Noralou Roos, Co-Founder,’s presentation entitled “The Importance of Evidence and Investigation” was delivered at the conference on June 13th, 2014. See Presentation. 

Conference Overview: Holding Power to Account

Holding Powerful interests to account is one of journalism’s most important missions. It’s critical to democracy and the preservation of human rights.

That’s why the University of Winnipeg and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation have organized a conference to bring journalists, academics and the public together from around the world to debate some of the important issues that investigative journalism can help illuminate.

The conference uniquely blended seminars and speeches from working journalists with papers and research presentations from academics.

The conference covered many themes, from the importance of investigative journalism in highlighting basic human rights, to investigating corruption globally, to an examination of criminal justice abuses like wrongful convictions, imprisonments and torture.

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