Stephen Hwang, MD, MPH
St. Michael’s Hospital
Health Services for the Homeless and Disadvantaged
416-864-5991 | [email protected] | @StephenHwang
Dr. Stephen Hwang received his undergraduate degree from Harvard University, his medical degree from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, and his masters of public health degree from the Harvard School of Public Health. He is a Practicing Physician in General Internal Medicine at St. Michael’s Hospital. He is also a research scientist at the Centre for Research on Inner City Health, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital; the Chair in Homelessness, Housing, and Health at St. Michael’s Hospital and the University of Toronto; and Associate Professor of Medicine and Director of the Division of General Internal Medicine at the University of Toronto. Dr. Hwang’s research focuses on improving the health of people who are homeless and vulnerably housed and the effects of housing on people’s health.
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Commentaries by Dr. Stephen Hwang:
Stemming the tide of death after release from jails and prisons in Canada
Missed opportunities — Jail and Prison are a chance to improve health
Dental care a gaping hole in our health system
Why we all discriminate — even our doctors
Canada can end chronic homelessness
Posters by Dr. Stephen Hwang:
“It’s time to address the very real pain, distress, and long-term health consequences caused by the fact that many in Ontario are simply not able to afford to go to the dentist.”
Read the commentary: Dental care a gaping hole in our health system
“Dental care remains a gaping hole in our healthcare system for people with limited means”
Read the commentary: Dental care a gaping hole in our health system
“Jail and prison offer a unique opportunity to access an often marginalized population, to provide needed health treatment and services, and to link people with community-based care and programming.”
Read the commentary: Missed opportunities
“We need to recognize that Canadians in prisons have the right to the same standard of health care and level of service as people in the community, regardless of what crimes they may have committed or what lifestyle choices they have made.”
Read the Commentary: Missed opportunities
About 1 in 200 Canadians is detained or incarcerated in jail or prison every year. Most of these individuals are dealing with both serious medical problems and difficult social situations and often lack good access to health and social services in the community.
Read the Commentary: Missed opportunities