Evidence Network

You can have too much of a good thing when it comes to medicine for older adults

More medical tests, treatments not always the best   Prevailing wisdom states that more is better — and it is no different when it comes to our expectation of medical treatments. With the help of the Internet, patients and their families have come to expect intensive tests, treatments and therapies at every life stage. But […]

Look up — way up

What astronauts and seniors with frailty have in common For decades, researchers have been studying the effects of reduced physical activity on astronauts during prolonged journeys to space. But what is surprising is one of the uses of that research. Turns out understanding the effects of space travel on the body may be important to […]

We must do more for seniors coming home from hospital

Despite having diabetes and arthritis, Verne was a thriving independent 72-year old who lived at home with his wife when he had a stroke. He had excellent emergency care in the hospital and began his recovery there.  But he didn’t adjust well after arriving home. He started to show signs of depression and was at […]

When disasters strike, seniors need top priority

Majority of deaths and injuries resulting from natural disasters involve seniors   The combination of an aging population with increases in natural disasters has had deadly consequences for seniors. Quebec health authorities estimate that as many 70 people died as a result of the recent heat wave with a humidex of over 40 degrees.  Most […]

Our health system fails the elderly

Solving long hospital wait times requires a fundamental shift in the way we care for the elderly Hospital overcrowding is not a new issue. Limited bed spaces have plagued Ontario hospitals for years and are increasingly straining our system. Not only are long wait times become a shameful expectation when patients arrive in the emergency […]

A national seniors strategy needs to account for complexity in the aging process

Canadians 65 years and older now outnumber children 14 years and under, which means our needs as a society are changing.  We are succeeding in shifting the aging curve through preventive interventions and better public health — that’s good news. But the changing demographic is causing strains in our health and social care supports. How […]

The Concept of “Frailty” and How it Can Help Reform our Health System

The Canadian population is rapidly aging as the Baby Boomer generation heads into retirement. By 2030, almost one in four Canadians will be over the age of 65.  Canadians are also living longer than ever, but how well they live while aging remains a concern. Individuals do not age according to a pre-existing timetable; rather […]

Food is medicine where malnutrition and frailty are concerned

Malnutrition a common problem for patients entering health care facilities in Canada – costing the system $2 billion annually “You are what you eat,” or so the saying goes.  We use this axiom in our developed country, where obesity is often top of mind, to remind ourselves that overeating will lead to a less healthy […]

Putting patients first can save our health system

It’s time to organize care in communities so that patients stay healthier and fewer need expensive hospital treatment It’s no secret: Ontario is getting older. The number of seniors in our province has been steadily increasing and over the next twenty years, will double.  Including factors like increased use of health services and evolving technology, […]

How improving healthcare for the frail elderly can also cut costs

Medical frailty already affects over one million Canadians.  It can be expensive and upsetting for frail people and their loved ones. Dr. John Muscedere explains how Canada’s healthcare system can better support frail people, who are typically elderly and more vulnerable. Find out how better healthcare for people who are medically frail also improves care for people who are younger and have more […]

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