Evidence Network

Free RESEARCH WEBINAR: Benchmarking EOL care practices for elderly people receiving primary care (Canadian Frailty Network-funded CORE Grant)

This 3-year project was designed to increase the uptake of evidence-based end-of-life (EOL) care for elderly patients with advanced illness.

Free RESEARCH WEBINAR – ASILA case-simulation prototype on cognitive and physical outcomes of frail seniors in nursing homes (Results of CFN-funded Catalyst Grant)

ASILA case-simulation prototype on cognitive and physical outcomes of frail seniors in nursing homes (Results of CFN-funded Catalyst Grant)

Free RESEARCH WEBINAR – User Studies with intelligent assistive robots and elderly residing in LTC homes (Dr. Goldie Nejat, PhD, P.Eng, University of Toronto)

Clinical tools for nutritional pathway involving hospitalized, older adults – TVN-funded 2013 Catalyst grant

FREE RESEARCH WEBINAR – Clinical tools for nutritional pathway involving hospitalized, older adults (Dr. Heather Keller, PhD, RD, FDC, University of Waterloo)

Clinical tools for nutritional pathway involving hospitalized, older adults – TVN-funded 2013 Catalyst grant

Drugging seniors at nursing homes is not a solution for funding shortfalls

Those living in a regulated nursing home are likely in the frailest condition of their lives, and approaching the end of life. The individual reasons for entering a nursing home are many, but commonly, residents require intense personal care for an indefinite period of time.