Evidence Network

Les féministes au secours des droits des transgenres

Plus tôt ce mois-ci, Sophie Labelle, auteure et militante transgenre montréalaise de renommée internationale, a été la cible d’une violente cyberattaque, de menaces de mort et de messages haineux. Pire encore, les agresseurs ont non seulement détruit temporairement son populaire site Web, ils ont aussi publié ses renseignements personnels, comme son adresse. Aujourd’hui, Sophie se cache. […]

Trans rights are women’s rights

Transgender women face high rates of physical, sexual and fatal violence A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, the Huffington Post and Our Windsor Earlier this month, Sophie Labelle, a Montreal-based, internationally renowned transgender author and activist was subject to a violent cyber-attack, including death threats and hate speech.  Most chillingly, the attackers […]

Laws can reduce bullying

Transgender youth experience bullying at much higher rates than their peers A version of this commentary appeared in the Montreal Gazette and the Huffington Post and the Vancouver Province Last week during discussion in the Senate about Bill C-16, a Bill designed to protect gender identity and gender expression in the Human Rights Code and […]