Evidence Network

Here’s How to Tell if You Should Be Tracking Your Macros

Counting macros, tracking macros, IIFYM—if it fits your macros. In the last few years, it seems our attention has shifted at least somewhat from calories to macronutrients, particularly when it comes to weight loss. But just because lots of people are talking about macros—counting them, hitting them, etc.—do we all need to? Many people already […]

La majorité des Canadiens ne comprennent pas le contenu des étiquettes nutritionnelles

En cette fin de janvier, plusieurs personnes qui ont pris la résolution de mieux manger en 2015 ont déjà probablement abandonné. Pas surprenant, compte tenu du fait que la plupart des personnes sous-estiment grandement la quantité de calories, de gras, de sel et de sucre qu’elles consomment, même après avoir consulté les étiquettes nutritionnelles.

Backgrounder: Improving nutritional information on food labels to help consumers make healthier choices

Data indicate several problems related to the dietary habits of Canadians; Canadians are over-consuming snacks, fats and foods not belonging to the basic food groups.

Most Canadians don’t understand food nutrition labels

As January comes to an end, those who vowed to eat better in 2015 have probably already given up. Not very surprising, considering that most people grossly underestimate the amount of calories they consume, and underestimate their fat, salt and sugar consumption, even after consulting nutrition labels.