Evidence Network

Navigating the health and social system a challenging part of caregiving

Governments need to start investing in care navigators to ensure equitable access to publicly funded services and supports A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Huffington Post and Windsor Star It’s a fact: the Canadian population is aging. For the first time in history, Canadians 65 years and over outnumber those 14 […]

Individuals with developmental disabilities are an invisible population in Canada’s mental health system

Almost half of those with developmental disabilities are diagnosed with mental illness or addiction — and they are among the most frequent visitors to emergency departments A version of this commentary appeared in Policy Options, the Vancouver Province and the Winnipeg Free Press With the recent federal commitment to increase mental health funding across Canada, we […]

Three nutrition trends to stay away from — based on the best evidence

If you follow health tips in the media, you’d think the nutritional sciences are a mess: Is butter good for you or is it bad? Should I eat breakfast or skip it? Should I eat like a caveman? Or maybe should I eat more like a bird?

The never-ending saga of medical user fees in Quebec

On January 26, the Quebec regulation abolishing medical user fees came into effect, bringing the province in line with federal legislation outlined in the Canada Health Act (CHA). According to the CHA, the money that flows from Ottawa to the provinces for health services, known as the Canada Health Transfer, is conditional on the provinces […]

When it comes to prescription drug coverage, our health system has plenty in common with the United States — and that’s not a good thing

Most Canadians would likely agree that those who need potentially life-saving prescription medications should have ready access to them.

Reforming healthcare funding to address the needs of our aging population

Funding home care and long-term care is fast becoming the main challenge of our outdated medicare system — a system developed in the mid-twentieth century for a young population that mostly required acute care from hospitals and physicians.

What kind of health workforce will be needed to serve our aging population?

We know that Canada’s population is aging. Among the many statistics that have been reported is how in 2015, the proportion of Canadian seniors surpassed that of youth under 15 for the first time. The gap will continue to widen over the next 20 years.

We must speak for those who can’t

On June 6, the Supreme Court of Canada’s decision making physician-hastened death legal will come into effect. A parliamentary committee asked to help the government plot how that would roll out in Canada has made some far-reaching recommendations, well beyond what was contemplated by the court in Carter v. Canada.

These ten medical expenses could give you a tax break

As Canadians we like to take pride in our publicly funded healthcare system, but the truth is many of us — especially those with or caring for someone with disabilities or chronic conditions — pay out of pocket for a wide range of essential health services.

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