Changer la rétribution des soins de santé pour rehausser la valeur et stimuler l’innovation
Par Alexis Wise Affordable healthcare, Canada's healthcare sytem, Canadian healthcare, Health care costs, Health care in Canada, healthcare, Healthcare spending, public healthcare spending
Une version de ce commentaire est parue dans La Presse Au Canada, les soins de santé coûtent au secteur public environ 160 milliards de dollars par année, soit un coût par habitant plus élevé que la plupart des pays industrialisés. Pourtant, les Canadiens ne sont pas particulièrement plus en santé et ne reçoivent pas de meilleurs soins. […]
By Alexis Wise Affordable healthcare, Canada's healthcare sytem, Canadian healthcare, Health care costs, Health care in Canada, healthcare, Healthcare spending, public healthcare spending
A version of this commentary appeared in the Toronto Star, Huffington Post and Kelowna Daily Courier Health care costs the public sector about $160 billion a year in Canada, a higher per capita cost than most industrialized nations. Yet Canadians are not markedly healthier nor do we receive better care. The Commonwealth Fund has ranked […]
Rising rates of kidney failure signal need for public health strategy
By Allison B. Dart and Mariette J. Chartier Canada's healthcare sytem, diabetes, first nations, health, Health system, high blood pressure, hospitalization, kidney failure, mental health issues, vulnerable population
As many as forty thousand people in Canada are affected by kidney failure — a problem that is increasing across the country, with significant consequences for our health system.
By Michelle Howard advanced directive, Canada's healthcare sytem, Canadian healthcare system, dépression, Doctor, Elderly, End of life, End of life care, family, health
Canadians likely had many important conversations with their loved ones over the holidays, but probably most didn’t talk about what should happen in the event they could no longer speak or make medical decisions for themselves.
Are we finally in a health election campaign?
By Ryan Meili Canada healthcare system, Canada's healthcare sytem, Canadian economy, Election 2015, federal election, federal taxes, national drug plan, NPD, taxes, universal drug benefits
It’s become almost a matter of faith: health and health care are perennially among the top priorities for Canadians, but are nearly invisible in election platforms and debates.