Evidence Network

Listen to those living with frailty

Older Canadians say their top priorities are better coordinated care systems and more community and home-based supports Today, over one million Canadians are medically frail — approximately 25 per cent of those over age 65 and 50 per cent past age 85. The aging of Canadian society and the growing number of older adults living […]

What should we be paying for in our publicly funded health system?

A version of this commentary appeared in the Globe & Mail, the Canadian Healthcare Network and The Province As a recent Globe and Mail investigation has noted, some Canadians have had to pay extra for care that they thought would be fully covered. The investigation reveals how complex this set of issues can be. As many […]

Why Canada should invest in emergency care for children

Wide variation across the country can be catastrophic and costly A version of this commentary appeared in the Huffington Post, Winnipeg Free Press and Afro News When a child is sick or injured, our health system usually delivers excellent care.  That’s good news.  Yet the adage that “children are not small adults” — and have specific medical […]

When it comes to health care funding in Canada, we should stop living in the past

How much should the federal government pay towards health care costs? Hardly a week goes by without this thorny issue being disputed between federal and provincial governments.